Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I'll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween. ~Author Unknown

I cannot believe that Halloween is already almost here. The picture to the left is of my roommates and I during a get together last Halloween at our house. It was so much fun and I cannot wait until this Halloween! Living in the residence halls during Halloween was fun because little kids were allowed to come knock on all our doors and we got to hand out candy and see all the cute costumes!

You all might notice that there are four girls in the picture above. We do also have one more roommate that just moved in so she is not in the photo. That is FIVE girls living in one house. Although it can be rough sometimes, we still have our good times. I have learned many things throughout these last couple of years.

Some of the things I have learned:

Do your chores
Think of others feelings
Learn to share clothes
Hope your other roommates wear the same size shoe as you :)
The rest of the house is not your bedroom
Know how to laugh and have a good time

Some of my best memories have been with these three girls. They will always be an important part of my life!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. ~Author Unknown

Wow…Midterms are already here. These last couple weeks have been super busy and I have been going nonstop. Although I have been busy, I have had a fun couple of weeks. Fall sports kicked off a couple weeks ago so that makes me happy! First of all, our club hockey team is amazing and so fun to watch. Both games have sold out the last two weeks! You have to buy your tickets early if you want to go! I have also been to two volleyball games. They have won both games and made it so much fun to watch. The football team has also had a few games but I have not been able to make it. My roommates have and have had a blast at them. Unfortunately, we have lost by only a couple points each game :( Tonight, UNC plays CSU in volleyball! I am so excited to watch this game; it will definitely be intense.

So, you all know that I am student teaching two days a week this semester. Well, today I taught my second lesson by myself. I stayed up until about one o’clock this morning studying the lesson. Those kindergartners can be a little scary sometimes and I wanted to be fully prepared. It actually went really well and I was only corrected by a few kindergartners :). I have taken two midterm tests and felt pretty confident about both of them, thank goodness. I just wanted to give you an update on my life and I hope you all are doing great. Hang in there!

Time is flying by…so make sure to still have fun!

Until Next Time,

