Monday, July 28, 2008


How is it that one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire? ~Author Unknown

I am getting packed for my camping trip that I have gone on every summer since college began. This will be our third and most likely last camping trip we will go on. Last summer was quite the adventure. We went off roading in one of my friend’s jeep which was a lot of fun. We came to a fork in the road and we could not really see much of the road to the left or right because of trees but decided that we should go left. That was our first mistake. As we headed down the road we realized that we were not going to make it all the way down and needed to turn back. Our second mistake. We tried to turn around and got the jeep stuck off the side of the road. I thought it was pretty humorous but the owner of the jeep was not too happy, as would be expected. After a couple hours, we finally got the jeep out with help from a near by family. We could laugh about it that night after we got it out, and we still laugh about it to this day.

We will be returning to this same campsite this summer, but at least now we know not to take that road again. Like I said this will probably be the last summer we will all get to go camping together. Next summer, my friends and I that I have met in college will all be going their separate ways. It is very sad to think about, but I cannot wait to see what my friends will do with their lives. They are all so talented and will lead great lives. My wedding is in July next summer and most of our friends our in the wedding so I hope that it will keep us all together for a little longer. I will let you guys know how the camping trip goes!


Monday, July 14, 2008

Forever Friends

"If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I'd be at the bottom to catch them"

In two hours, I will be meeting with a DJ I am interested in hiring at my wedding next summer. It seems like yesterday I met my fiancé, Brian in Turner hall at UNC. It is crazy to think that I met my future husband freshman year of college. Our rooms were two doors down from each other. I never thought coming to college that I would meet the man of my dreams, but it happened, and I could not be happier. It is such a fun story to tell others and I cannot wait to share it with my children and grandchildren someday!

I have all my bridesmaids picked out, and it just occurred to me, that I met all of them at UNC. I live with all four of them and have had classes with two of them. One of the girls, Julie, was the first person I met at UNC. I saw her from a distance at summer orientation and told my mom that she would be one of my good friends someday. I knew this right away because we were the only two girls wearing jeans and a t-shirt (all the other girls were wearing spaghetti strap shirts and mini skirts). People always say you will meet some of your best friends at college, and in my experience, this is true. I can’t wait to see where the future takes us!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Introduction to ME!

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” – Milton Berle

Hey Everybody!

This is my first blog ever and I am very excited to be a part of this experience. I hope you are reading this to find more out about UNC and the everyday experiences in the life of a student. I have worked at UNC’s Visitor’s Center for three years now. Having an on campus job is very convenient and I get to talk to you guys (prospective students) everyday! I am majoring in Elementary Education and have a concentration in English and I will be a senior in the fall-Wahoo!

Here is a little bit about me: I am originally from Oklahoma and moved to Colorado nine years ago. I went to a small high school and graduated with only 38 students. This is the major reason for me picking UNC. I like the smaller school feel and I see people everyday I know and at the same time, people I don’t know. I am a huge sports fan. I could curl up in my Boston Red Sox blanket and watch baseball and basketball all day! I also love to read for fun (not text books though :)).

School is out for the summer but I am getting very anxious for my senior year. I will be student teaching in the fall and can’t wait to share fun and interesting stories with you! Kids are my passion and if I can change at least one child’s life when I become a teacher, then I have succeeded.

Please feel free to write comments, ask questions, or just read my blog. I will be writing regular posts to give you guys a better idea of what life at UNC is like. I look forward to hearing from you!
