Friday, March 6, 2009

Down to the wire

Your Business clothes are naturally attracted to staining liquids. This attraction is strongest just before an important meeting. ~Scott Adams

Man, time really does go by fast! I cannot believe it is already March 6th. That means my birthday is only 18 days away. I will be turning 22 on March 24th and it will be a big year for me. At the age of 22, I will be graduating college, getting married, and moving into my own place with my hubby. It is so surreal. Even though my birthday is coming up soon, that is not at all what is on my mind. March 26th and 27th is the teaching fair that is held at UNC. It is one of the largest teaching fairs in the country and it is at my school! How cool is that?!

I have attended several seminars that have dealt with resume writing and interviewing. It is really stressful and time consuming but I am glad the school has provided opportunities to help us in the job search. I talked with a principal last night who gave us a lot of good information. He made sure to let us know that in this economy, it is extra hard to get a job. I liked how he was completely honest and did not sugarcoat it. One thing he said really struck me and made me appreciate UNC. He has interviewed many people in his lifetime for teaching positions and he told me that if he was comparing prospective teachers from CSU, CU, and UNC, 99% of the time he would choose the candidate from UNC. Because UNC has such good accreditation with their teaching school, it already gives us an advantage. That gives me some hope in this not-so-great economy! I will keep you informed of how it goes! Have a great week.


1 comment:

Brittany said...

Hey Aly! I hope that everything goes well with the teaching fair! You're going to be such an awesome teacher!