Monday, July 28, 2008


How is it that one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire? ~Author Unknown

I am getting packed for my camping trip that I have gone on every summer since college began. This will be our third and most likely last camping trip we will go on. Last summer was quite the adventure. We went off roading in one of my friend’s jeep which was a lot of fun. We came to a fork in the road and we could not really see much of the road to the left or right because of trees but decided that we should go left. That was our first mistake. As we headed down the road we realized that we were not going to make it all the way down and needed to turn back. Our second mistake. We tried to turn around and got the jeep stuck off the side of the road. I thought it was pretty humorous but the owner of the jeep was not too happy, as would be expected. After a couple hours, we finally got the jeep out with help from a near by family. We could laugh about it that night after we got it out, and we still laugh about it to this day.

We will be returning to this same campsite this summer, but at least now we know not to take that road again. Like I said this will probably be the last summer we will all get to go camping together. Next summer, my friends and I that I have met in college will all be going their separate ways. It is very sad to think about, but I cannot wait to see what my friends will do with their lives. They are all so talented and will lead great lives. My wedding is in July next summer and most of our friends our in the wedding so I hope that it will keep us all together for a little longer. I will let you guys know how the camping trip goes!


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