Monday, September 15, 2008

Secret: Planner

Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without. ~James C. Dobson

Hey guys! I hope everyone is enjoying school. It definitely is flying by! I just wanted to give you an update of how school and the wedding planning was going. So far, so good. I was told it would be a very stressful time in my life right now while I try and plan my wedding and students teach. It is stressful, but nowhere close to what I thought it would be. The secret is to keep a planner. I take my planner with me everywhere and could not survive without it. If I lost it tomorrow, I am not sure what I would do! I am telling you this now because I did not realize this until my sophomore year. I have done so much better with it and keep a very organized life now. With so many different classes, it is a great way to write down when your homework is due. Trust me on this; a planner does miracles. We now have our engagement pictures, photographer, our save-the-date cards done, and plenty of ideas in mind. With my handy dandy planner, my senior year should stay a little more stress free!

Monday, September 8, 2008

For A More Serious Side...

I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday. ~Author Unknown

Even though school is stressful right now, I am still loving every minute of it. The thing about college is that the experience is not just about school, but about the environment, and the friends you make. Two weeks ago, something happened that had a major effect on my life. What happened made me appreciate life more and gave me a new perspective. It is so important to cherish the people in our lives and to be thankful for what we have. College has changed me in many ways and they have all been for the better. It forces you to grow up, think for yourself, and become a responsible, respectable individual.

When I graduated high school, I thought I knew what I was getting myself into coming to college, but really had no idea. It has surpassed my expectations in many ways. I thought I might have learned a little about how to become a teacher, and now almost feel as if I could start teaching tomorrow. I thought I might meet some cool people, and now have met my future husband, and have life-lasting friendships. I thought I might have to grow up and become a little bit responsible, but have surprised myself at how much I have grown. I thought I might have some fun, but have had the time of my life! These are just a few things to look forward to. For those of you who are contemplating college, just know that it is worth it. I would not trade a minute of what I have gone through for anything. My experiences, good and bad, have made me who I am today. I want everyone else to have the opportunity to grow in college like I did. I just hope you guys are ready for the time of YOUR life!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Oh My Oh My...

Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions. ~Author Unknown

Time really does fly by when you are having fun. The second week of school is already almost over! I have been waiting very impatiently to hear about my placement into an elementary school and I finally heard last week. I was told I would be in a kindergarten classroom at a school in Greeley. Yesterday was my first day in the school and I could not be happier. The teacher of the classroom is very knowledgeable and the children are so cute and willing to learn. I will be there two days a week and cannot wait to become more involved in their classroom. This is one thing I love about the education department. I will have at least 800 hours in field experience by the time I graduate. Wow! I know, right! I will be very busy but I also know that I will be very well prepared to teach on my own next year.
