Monday, September 15, 2008

Secret: Planner

Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without. ~James C. Dobson

Hey guys! I hope everyone is enjoying school. It definitely is flying by! I just wanted to give you an update of how school and the wedding planning was going. So far, so good. I was told it would be a very stressful time in my life right now while I try and plan my wedding and students teach. It is stressful, but nowhere close to what I thought it would be. The secret is to keep a planner. I take my planner with me everywhere and could not survive without it. If I lost it tomorrow, I am not sure what I would do! I am telling you this now because I did not realize this until my sophomore year. I have done so much better with it and keep a very organized life now. With so many different classes, it is a great way to write down when your homework is due. Trust me on this; a planner does miracles. We now have our engagement pictures, photographer, our save-the-date cards done, and plenty of ideas in mind. With my handy dandy planner, my senior year should stay a little more stress free!

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