Friday, November 21, 2008


You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.
~Franklin P. Jones

Next semester is my last semester before I graduate. I have been waiting for weeks to find out my placement for next semester to see where I will be doing my student teaching. Last week, I received the email I had been waiting for. I got my wish and am staying in the same classroom I am in right now! I am so happy because I love my cooperating teacher and the children are great. I have to take a minute to tell a short story about one of the kids in my class- I was trying to explain to him why I am a Miss and why his teacher is a Mrs. (For anyone who has every tried to do this can sympathize with me). I told this particular boy that my new last name would be Eschler so then I would be Mrs. Eschler. He straight up told me that he did not like that name and that it made him want to throw up in his mouth! A five year old said this to me (How brutally honest kindergartners are)! I could not imagine leaving this class right now so I am very excited to stay and teach in the same classroom.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I cannot wait. I am headed to Oklahoma tomorrow to go visit family and friends from my hometown. School is getting very stressful and now is a perfect time to take a break. Oh by the way, I started reading the Twilight Saga (I hated being out of the loop) so that should keep me busy on my long ride to Oklahoma.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

God Bless,

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