Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Finals are OVER!!!

It's a strange thing, but when you are dreading something, and would give anything to slow down time, it has a disobliging habit of speeding up. ~J.K. Rowling, "The Hungarian Horntail," Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 2000

This morning at eight am was my last final I will ever take in college. Yay! I do have one semester left but since I will be student teaching full time I will not have any actual classes, which means, NO MORE FINALS! Can you tell I am excited?! Finals week can be very stressful for those of you who have not experienced it yet. You have to make sure you still make time for yourself though! Every year, my roommates and I put on a Christmas dinner and have everyone come over and hang out before finals kick off. It has been a great tradition and I recommend it to others. It is a lot of work to put on, but definitely worth it. Since this is our last Christmas together this year, that might be the end of our tradition, but I sure hope not. I would love to get together every year with my friends from college for a yummy dinner!
Another tradition we started, was decorating cookies each year. It all started the first year when the turkey was not “quite” ready to eat (we ended up eating our dinner at 11 pm that year) so we decided to have a cookie decorating contest to pass the time. This picture is the cookie I decorated this year! It was for sure a great break before finals and helped me get through it. Like I said, the thing to remember is to save some time to still have some fun!
Good luck to everyone still taking finals!


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