Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sports and then more sports...

If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all. ~Joey Adams

The Super Bowl is over, February is here, and now it is intramural basketball time. I love the start of the year and all the great things it brings! One of my favorite things about college is intramural sports. I have played co-ed basketball, women’s basketball, and co-ed softball. These are just three of the many different options for intramural sports. Students of all different athletic abilities join in on the fun. I am on a team made up of seven girls and two of which who have never even played before. It should be an interesting season but lots of fun! We have our first game on Sunday so I will have to keep you updated. If you are reading this and wondering what other intramural sports we offer, you should check out the UNC website and look under the recreation center tab. Speaking of the recreation center, I have been going a lot lately trying to stay in shape. They offer a lot of different fitness classes but my favorite is Core Challenge. This class is awesome! I have been four times and I can already feel a difference. Because my life has been surrounded by sports and exercise lately, I wanted to include you.

Enjoy the rest of your week and the weekend!

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