Sunday, January 18, 2009

I am back!

Shin: A device for finding furniture in the dark.

Wow. So much has happened since the last time I wrote a blog. I have been waiting for things to calm down so I could write a blog but it seems like there is never a break. But I am loving every minute of life. We had about a month off for Christmas break and it was so nice to relax and enjoy the free time. I hope everyone else had a great break too! I am currently student teaching now five days a week and so far, I am loving it! I am at the school from 8:00 to 4:30 every week day so my life has been pretty consumed with teaching right now. There are pros and cons to this. I do love teaching and love the kids but it is hard being away from home so much right now. Living with four other girls is a lot of fun and I miss seeing them. We all have different schedules our senior year and it makes it hard to see each other. And same goes with seeing my fiancé. We do not get to see each other as much as before so we have to make sure to spend valuable time together. Planning a wedding my senior year has also been an adventure. We have six months left until the big day so every day that passes is a day I could be planning. Managing time my senior year has been tough so far but I am trying my best! If I had to give you advice, I think the thing to remember is that setting your priorities straight will help you through stressful situations and keep you grounded. Hope everyone has a great week and I will be back next week!

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