Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break...or not

The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it. ~Patrick Young

So every UNC student had spring break this past week except ME! Okay, so that is probably not true but it felt that way! Because I am student teaching full time this semester, I am supposed to follow the elementary schools schedule. My spring break is still two weeks away! I cannot wait. It is time to have a break from reality!

Yesterday, my fiancĂ© and I went to a local driving range and it was the first time I have ever hit golf balls. It was so much fun! The temperature outside was an awesome seventy degrees. Today, the high is seventy-five! It feels amazing! And the forecast for tomorrow is…SNOW! I just do not understand Colorado’s weather. It keeps you on your toes…that’s for sure. I know we need the moisture so I am not going to complain too much about the snow! But I am definitely ready for spring. I love how the whole town of Greeley just seems to come alive in the spring. People are out and about and not afraid to say a friendly hello as you walk down the street.

This week is the big teaching fair I have been talking about so I will be sure to update you on how it goes! Have a great week!



Unknown said...

Many thanks for using my quotation, Aly, sorry you didn't make it to Spring Break.

Happy teaching!

Patrick Young

Brittany said...

Wierd! Both of our lives are so dull right now! Maybe we should take up a labor intensive hobby or making quilts! It was so good to see you over the weekend!