Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Author Unknown

So I decided today that my room needed a good spring cleaning. As I started to clean, I realized that it would probably be just as good of an idea to start packing. I am moving out at the beginning of May and with a busy month ahead, I do not think it is too early to start now. As I started packing, my roommate Jessica walked in. She was caught off guard, and she started to tear up. I quickly put an end to that because I knew if she kept it up, I would burst into tears. My emotions have really gotten the best of me lately. Everything I do, I keep thinking it will be the last thing I will do with the friends I have made the last couple of years. For example, a lot of my friends came over the night and played Cranium. I realized that it could be the last time we all get together since graduation is so soon. Little moments like that bring tears to my eyes these days. I cannot imagine how it will be the day we move out. Actually, as I read this blog out loud to Jessica, she starts to tear up again. A lot will be going on in the month of April so I will be sure to keep you updated! I have just got to focus on keeping my emotions in check!


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