Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ya know...That one road...

We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today. ~Stacia Tauscher

I am so impressed with how quickly my professor got my Capstone graded. It took me all semester to complete and he had it graded within a week of me turning it in. Good news…I got an A! My final project of my college career and I went out with a bang. I could not be happier! That leaves me with one week left of student teaching. I am excited to be done but sad to leave my Kindergarten class. The students know that I will be leaving and going to Colorado Springs soon. One of my students has family that lives there and says to me one day last week, “At least I can meet you there!” This is from a six year old that lives two hours away. He said, “My cousin’s house is easy to find…You just turn on that one road by that one sign…Do ya know where that is? It is really easy to find.” Haha! It was so darn cute! He just knew that I would know exactly where to meet him with those directions. I just hope that they will remember me and that I will have made an impact in their lives. Leaving will definitely be bittersweet.

Yesterday, all the Kindergartners at my school went to a carnival put on by a local middle school. The students had so much fun but were completely worn out by the end of the day. Today, we turned right back around and went to a local farm. The students also had a blast there and were even more worn out by the end of today. I guarantee we all sleep very well tonight. I actually got a sunburn too! Last weekend I was driving through a snowstorm and this week I am basking in the sun! This weather is just so crazy; it definitely keeps you on your toes.
Graduation is SIXTEEN days away! But who is keeping track?!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Checkin' In


This week is crazy! My HUGE capstone that is due for every Elementary Education major that is graduating in May is due on Friday! I am super busy with this, along with having my UNC supervisor observing me teach a lesson on Friday, along with packing, and along with meetings! SO needless to say...I will not be writing a blog this week but I will let you know how everything goes next week! Wish me luck!

The very stressed, anxious, sleep-deprived, and grouchy...


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Author Unknown

So I decided today that my room needed a good spring cleaning. As I started to clean, I realized that it would probably be just as good of an idea to start packing. I am moving out at the beginning of May and with a busy month ahead, I do not think it is too early to start now. As I started packing, my roommate Jessica walked in. She was caught off guard, and she started to tear up. I quickly put an end to that because I knew if she kept it up, I would burst into tears. My emotions have really gotten the best of me lately. Everything I do, I keep thinking it will be the last thing I will do with the friends I have made the last couple of years. For example, a lot of my friends came over the night and played Cranium. I realized that it could be the last time we all get together since graduation is so soon. Little moments like that bring tears to my eyes these days. I cannot imagine how it will be the day we move out. Actually, as I read this blog out loud to Jessica, she starts to tear up again. A lot will be going on in the month of April so I will be sure to keep you updated! I have just got to focus on keeping my emotions in check!
