Tuesday, August 26, 2008


The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time. ~Abraham Lincoln

So…It is the second day of school, and I have no classes today. Wahoo! My first day of school was so much fun. I love my senior year because my classes are ones that I actually want to learn in! The first couple years of college are all general education classes and now I am in classes that apply to my major. It makes me so much more excited to become a teacher and cannot wait! Normally, I will be in an elementary school every Tuesday and Thursday observing a classroom, but we will not find out our placements until tomorrow and hopefully I will start next week! It is nice only having class three days the first week of classes though.

I live in house off campus with four other girls. Over the summer, three of them went back to their hometowns to old jobs so they could make some money for the school year. I completely understand their reasoning, but our house was pretty quiet and lonely with only two of us here the entire summer. It is so nice to have a full house again! I used to get annoyed hearing four blow dryers going every morning, but now I would not trade that noise for anything. My roommates are my best friends and since this is our last year living together, I want to make the best of it! One of my roommates, Tiffany, got guitar hero for her birthday and that has brought us all closer together. I am a little worried though because I am quite addicted and I already have homework that is not getting done. Oops :)

I am very excited to start working in the elementary schools next week and cannot wait to update you on how it goes. I hope everyone else is having a great first week of school as well!



Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The essential question is not, "How busy are you?" but "What are you busy at?"
~Oprah Winfrey

Hey guys!
I just wanted to drop in and say hi! I have been busy my last week before school starts. School starts on Monday! Even though it will be my senior year, I am still nervous for school to start. I am more excited though! I still cannot believe it is my senior year. I will keep you guys updated on how my first week goes.



Sunday, August 10, 2008

Running on Empty

I learned three important things in college - to use a library, to memorize quickly and visually, to drop asleep at any time given a horizontal surface and fifteen minutes. ~Agnes DeMille, Dance to the Piper, 1952

Literally and physically, I am running on empty. First of all, I think everyone will agree with me when I say the gas prices are outrageously over-priced! I just went home to visit my family and spent $150 in gas. I cannot take much more of this! Secondly, the summer is coming to end and I am getting tired just thinking about my year to come: planning my wedding, my senior year of college, career searching, and finding a place to live! Don’t get me wrong, I am very excited for all of this to come, just definitely stressed about it. Daytime naps are something I have come to love in college and I have a feeling I will love them just as much this upcoming year.

I am trying to get ready for the school year to start a little bit at a time. I already got my notebooks and have my financial aid squared away. I am now just waiting on my teachers to post what books are required for my classes this upcoming semester. It is a little frustrating right now because I really like to buy my books online and I need plenty of time to allow them to get to me before school starts. I keep checking everyday and none of my books are online yet. I recommend you guys definitely look into buying your books online. I have probably saved about $300 by buying my books online. It is definitely worth looking into. Let’s hope my teachers feel the need to post my books soon! I guess they have a summer too though:)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while. ~Kin Hubbard

Tonight just proved to me even more how the weather is always changing in Colorado and Greeley is no exception. I woke up to sunny skies and not a cloud in sight. I put on a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and slipped on my flip-flops before heading out the door to work (I am a nanny this summer). Six hours later I was wearing pants, a sweatshirt and tennis shoes.

A tornado warning was issued for Greeley at 6:45 pm last night (of course when I was right in the middle of cooking supper) as well as many other cities in Colorado. A tornado, thankfully, never touched down, but with the thunderstorms came plenty of rain, which was very much needed! I do not know if any of you have ever done this (I bet you try it the next time it rains though:)), but the kids I nanny and I made boats out of aluminum foil and raced them down a gutter that was overflowing with water. I love the moments I have when I can just be a kid again, and being the nanny of a six year old and a ten year old definitely brings back the child in me at times!

The next couple weeks will be very busy! I will be trying to fit in all of my last summer adventures and preparing for my senior year of college! Stay tuned for a couple of hectic weeks! I am sure all of you are preparing for school as well so take a break and read what I am going through and how it compares to preparing for high school to start back up. Have a great day!

